Saturday, May 14, 2011

a time for every season under Heaven

Its. Over.


no more studying. no more tests. no more papers. no more exhaustion. no more all nighters. no more nasty art teachers. no more my way or the high way. no more readings. no more apathy. no more college.

The four year chapter of my life that I feared would never end has finally come to a close. I know there are so many others who are in the same boat. I think the two most prominent emotions/cognitions that are in circulation are relief and uncertainty. Agreed?

There is this overwhelming sense of accomplishment, and resolution in knowing that this time of strenuous mental exertion plus the particularly large chunk of time that school takes out of life has now been freed up for new and exciting opportunities!
....& those opportunities are......? There's the uncertainty.

I must admit, opting out of graduate school and potentially having no job was risky. and not really ideal by societal standards. Fortunately, God has overwhelmed me with 2 amazing job opps in which I will be able to only further my photographic portfolio. I am thrilled to start working as well as continue my own creative endeavors with photography. Although I have only planned for this year, I am eagerly awaiting to see what else God may have in store for me. & I am certain He has a plan for you. Which He will reveal in His right & perfect time...
4 years. I can honestly say that some of my hardest nights were the nights have been throughout this course of time in my life. When I graduated high school this time, four years ago... I had no idea what I was about to walk into. I had no idea how drastically my life would turn, how many wrong choices I would make. These four years has served as a time of great trial and has resulted in nothing less than a season of self discovery. Although I wanted to quit (especially in the last few weeks- major-) I had to accept that this was a stage in life that I had to transcend. That God had called me to this time. this place. this moment. for a purpose. And looking back on it all now, there is much I don't think I will ever understand as to why I had to experience such circumstances or why I didn't figure it out sooner. But the point of it all has been the only way to gain such perspective, was to endure.

I can honestly say that the one thing I will have now that I didn't graduating high school, was the strength I have gained through knowing Jesus. I am not sure what your great discovery has been/will be about yourself after completing a dedicated task for a certain number of years, but I know that I am not walking across that stage alone in one week. That I am not on my own in one week. That in one week, my life's course is not determined by faith in myself. But Jesus Christ's faith in me. Knowing that my course has already been charted for me has alleviated more burden then I could have ever imagined. Faith will be eyes & Hope will be my guide.
One week I set sail for a new time and place, a new season of my life, a new beginning... under Him Heaven.
There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven: Ecclesiastes 3:1

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