Friday, April 13, 2012

In the midst of besiegement...

"It's useless to rise early and go to bed late, and work your worried fingers to the bone. Don't you know He enjoys giving rest to those He loves?" Psalm 127:2

It seems that these days I never have a moment to catch my breath. I feel as though I am constantly planning, moving, running etc. There is always somewhere to be, someone to aid, something to do, someone needing something from me. I have felt rather scattered... There never seems to be enough time, no matter how early I wake up, today at 4 am. 
I just started a new bible study at my church, (phenomenal- I recommend this to all ladies in my local community) and last week's topic was on weariness. I felt like I fit right into the discussion. My weariness has not been from physical exhaustion, but really from what I perceive as restlessness and most recently immense spiritual warfare. 

I can not sleep through the night. 
Taunted by nightmares or fears.
And this week alone, I have literally felt as though I was being sabatoged. Everything that could have gone wrong did. Weird, unexplainable difficulties have been thrown with in my path. I have prayed for peace, rest and solitude. And feel as though a counter force has plagued me with interuption, distraction, and many curve balls. 

This morning I literally broke down. I had had enough. Broken in my spirit, crying out for some sort of peace and productivity, but it did not come. I cried out, "Lord, where are you in this?! I can not see you."


With the attempt to balance starting a new job tomorrow, leading worship this weekend at my church, playing much needed catch up on photo work, all without a mode of transportation (RIP little honda) has left me a tad bit shaken. 

The only comfort that I have found this week, is the continual repeat of a song that is loaded with truth. No matter where I have been, or what I have been doing, this song has served as a soft melodic soundtrack, in order to help me press forward to a weekend following a broken week. 

A few weeks ago when I served leading worship at my church, we included this song as a special song. My friend Brooke sang it, and I literally cry every time I hear it. It has been one of my favorite songs for quite some time... I wanted to include the version we played *(Love Came Down link at the bottom). So that incase you are having a week like mine, you too could be comforted by the words of this powerful song. I pray that they continuously wash over us, even if it is simply from moment to moment. 

"In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us with groans that words cannot express." Romans 8:26

Prayers for us all<3 

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