"It's a process."
"I'm trying to process."
"We're currently processing."
"I just have to process."
All I have been doing the past 2 weeks has been... processing, searching, thinking, working through- my thoughts, my relationships, my faith, my heart... & I have discovered these things:
1. my faith up until this point, has been invested and nurtured through people...
not by Jesus
2. my securities, where I draw strength from... has been in people...
not by Jesus
3. I feel very stuck in my life, given my location, living, & financial situation
4. there are many things I will not let go of.
5. I am going to Haiti in 18 days.
I have learned very harshly. that it is time to let go.
It is time
to hand over my heart, fully to Jesus. not just a little... not just a portion. The. entire. organ. It is time for me to own my faith apart from my family, apart from my friends, apart from my boyfriend, apart from my interests, apart from my church, apart from my blessings.... apart from this nation.
Who is Lindsey without her family?
Who is Lindsey without her home?
Who is Lindsey without her best friends?
Who is Lindsey without her boyfriend?
Who is Lindsey without her church?
Who is Lindsey without her comforts?
Who is Lindsey, without her country?
Who is Lindsey, with Lindsey? Who are you,
with yourself?
I can not answer this today, because I simply do not know. But I believe now, more than ever, the answer to this question is waiting for me in Haiti. I believe the answer is waiting for upon my return. & the decisions I make following that return.
I have lived for 21 years. pretty much 17 of them I was underneath the rules and restrictions of parents & obligations to education. for 4 of them I was given more freedom to choose how to serve my time, and I served it an education institution & lived mostly for myself. I stand here on the brink of 22. In 22 more years, I will be 44. (math genius right here).
What will I do, with the time that is laid before me? In the time that I have lived, from now... I will be in the middle of my life. & so may you.
"All we have decide is what to do, with the time that is given to us"
I truly feel in the depths of my heart, that I was created for a greater purpose. I feel my life is equip to make change & to generate impact. I can not deny what is the very core of my being.
For 22 years I have invested more of myself into others than into the only one worthy of such investments. I have spent
too long living a life as a servant of the world... and not to a Kingdom. All of this, reader, is fleeting. All that we know this life to be, is a temporary scratch on eternity. I know this is so difficult to understand. & to the Christian reader, we know very well that this is not our home. We are simply passing through. Did God call you to live for yourself in this small temporary passing? Did He call you to place other humans before Him? Skills and gifts & the comforts of life before Him? Earth possessions before Him? In a culture that exemplifies the ability to find strength and worth in our selves, above all things, clearly, it presents a greater challenge for us to combat this line of thinking.
But the truth is,
we must. It is not about me. & its really not about you either. Its not about my boyfriend, or your boyfriend or girlfriend. Or my best friend or yours. or my parents, or your parents... its not about any single one of us. It is about
a Man. & a Cross.& the choice we have before us.
What are we willing to sacrifice?
What are we willing to put to the side?
Who is the god of our life?
Where are we investing our hearts? Our finances? Our futures?
Drink this in.
Are we investing in comforts of this life... people, places, things, ideas
or are we investing in the call that Jesus Christ Himself, the Lord of Heaven & THIS earth... has called us all... to do?
It is time. It is time for me. and perhaps for you. to let go.
to let go of all that is seen and known,
& to answer the call that has been uniquely implanted in each of us.
I encourage you to process. I encourage you to self reflect. It is all that I have done for 2 weeks. & although there have been some painful truths of realization. I feel more confident now, than ever, that I possess the strength in myself to step off the shore & into the unknown waters of the sea.
Isaiah 6:8 says:
"Whom shall I send? & who will go for us?"- Then said, I, "Here I am Lord, send me."
Mwen vle ale. Mwen vle ale.... ♥