Monday, February 13, 2012


the prophecy of one who hears the words of God, who sees a vision from the Almighty, who falls prostrate, and whose eyes are opened...
Numbers 24:4 
Well Hi. 

So lots of things have been unfolding in my little life for the past few months. A lot, that I feel is Divine. And that is always exciting! I felt the need to sort of share what I has recently been unveiled.

((bear with me))

I cracked open Psalm 119 last week, (the longest Psalm in the universe, unbeknownst to me- reading in general is something I usually have to force myself to do)... And it was there I discovered within the hearts of the psalmists this cry for deliverance from their oppressors.

"The insolent ridicule me without mercy. but I don't bulge from your revelation. My antagonists are too many to count, but I don't swerve from the direction you gave... "

There was an overstated theme of persecution. This was something I asked God that morning to help me better understand. "Lord help me be more cognitive of subtle persecutions in my life. Expose the areas of hindrance in my life."

and no sooner did I speak.... did I discover....

Psalm 18:43-45
You rescued me from a squabbling people; You made me a leader of nations. People I'd never heard of served me; the moment they got wind of me they listened. The foreign devils gave up.
The Lord has blessed me in many ways. But distinctly two of my gifts have been under great besiege for quite some time now: my ability to write and to photograph. 

As soon as I asked God to reveal to me where I was being oppressed, I was made aware of the enemy's plans for downfall in my strongest abilities.

I've been conflicted by thoughts such as, "Well, you're photos will never really amount to of anything of worth. They're never going to be published, or really used to generate any form of change. You're never gonna get there, so you might as well just stop now."

I have also had plans to write and publish a book. When discussing the concepts of what I would be delving into with a person of close relation, I was confronted with, "I wouldn't read that. No one is going to want to read that.".... Yeah... 

Talk about a set back eh? More like mad attacks from a real and persistent enemy.
A persecutor.
An oppressor.
A dream stealer.

& these were not one time statements. These were resounding words of defeat that I heard... for months.

"If Your revelation hadn't delighted me so, I would have given up when the hard times came... The wicked lie in ambush to destroy me, but I'm only concerned with Your plans for me." Psalm 119
My response to the haters? 

ONWARD. and here's how :)

1. I am excited to share that I am currently in the process of piecing together a very powerful photo series. This will be my first creative shoot post graduation. I don't want to give away too much! But I will say that this shoot is filled with diversity, empowerment, authenticity and radiant joy. I have been blessed to have a peek into the hearts of 30 sum, (yes!) subjects who have all stepped up to a great challenge that I have presented to them: to be themselves! I am so grateful for trust and belief in the piece. I have allotted this entire month for the project as I am trying to coordinate many different schedules. I am planning to release the series on my new website, which is currently in the works. Please stay tuned for something that, I believe, will encourage and inspire you
2. I am also excited to officially say that the writing/production process of my book has begun! This is something that I have been wanting to do ever since I started receiving the feedback I have from this blog. I have been encouraged and inspired by your kind words. Thank you for reading. I feel that now is the best time to start really honing in on the depths of my life and testimony. I will be meeting with a published author this thursday to discuss the process further. The prayer for this book is that God's transforming power would prove evident to the reader in seeing just how He has transformed my life.
Both of these areas have been under great attack. But I am going to push forward. I ask that you would be keeping me in your thoughts and prayers as I begin to tackle some pretty big feats. 

Thank you so much for taking the time to read such a long entry. I felt the need to just lay out the direction I am heading in. I have NO idea what will come from this... all I know is that I have been more than affirmed to press in. And press in, I will. 

Love you.

"This is my life work: helping people understand and to respond the Message of God. I was the least qualified. But God saw to it that I was equipped, but you can be sure that it had nothing to do with my natural abilities." 
Ephesians 3:7-8

I'm already out of foolproof ideas, it's all uncharted... <3

1 comment:

  1. that red headed braid over the shoulder camera photo is AMAZING! did you take that?
